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The fast, flexible & elegant library for parsing and manipulating HTML and XML.

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Proven syntax

Cheerio implements a subset of core jQuery. Cheerio removes all the DOM inconsistencies and browser cruft from the jQuery library, revealing its truly gorgeous API.

Blazingly fast

Cheerio works with a very simple, consistent DOM model. As a result parsing, manipulating, and rendering are incredibly efficient.

Incredibly flexible

Cheerio can parse nearly any HTML or XML document. Cheerio works in both browser and server environments.

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What Our Users Say

Axel Rauschmayer's avatar
Axel Rauschmayer
For transforming HTML via Node.js scripts, @mattmueller's cheerio works really well.
Valeri Karpov's avatar
Valeri Karpov
Cheerio is a weird npm module: most devs have never heard of it, but I rarely build an app without it.

So much utility for quick and easy HTML transformations.
Thomas Boutell's avatar
Thomas Boutell
You probably shouldn't use jQuery, but if you're great at jQuery, you're going to be really popular on server-side projects that need web scraping or HTML transformation. "npm install cheerio" ahoy!
Alistair G MacDonald's avatar
Alistair G MacDonald
Looking for a faster, cleaner alternative to basic JSDOM? Try Cheerio! #npm #javascript #nodejs
Yogini Bende's avatar
Yogini Bende
Cheerio is 🔥
Jonny Frodsham's avatar
Jonny Frodsham
Needed to do a quick web scrape in Node for a demo. Seems like I'm back using jQuery in the super timesaving cheerio npm package 😯
Thomas Steiner's avatar
Thomas Steiner
npm install cheerio. That's the #jQuery DOM API for #nodeJS essentially. Thanks, @MattMueller
Mike Pennisi's avatar
Mike Pennisi
Thank you @fb55 for tirelessly pushing Cheerio to version 1.0. That library helps so many developers expand their horizons beyond the browser, and you've been making it possible for a decade!
Matthew Phillips's avatar
Matthew Phillips
Cheerio is (still) such a useful tool for manipulating HTML. Shout to @MattMueller for saving me an untold amount of time over the years.